četvrtak, 18. lipnja 2015.

La bella Italia

Pretprošli vikend sam bila u Italiji, što ste sigurno pročitali u prethodnim postovima. Mantova, Parma, Cinque Terre i za kraj, meni najljepša, Genova - možda zato jer podsjeća na Rijeku :). Danas ću vam pisati o Mantovi i Parmi koje smo posjetili prvi dan puta. 

Last weekend I was in Italy. You have certainly read about that in previous posts. Mantova, Parma, Cinque Terre and at the end, for me the most beautiful, Genova - perhaps because it is reminiscent to Rijeka :). Today I will write you about Mantova and Parma, which we visited first day of our trip.

Mantova, mali grad, okružen trima umjetnim jezerima nastalim u 12. stoljeću, nalazi se u regiji Lombardija. Čim uđete u grad proći ćete pored impresivne Duždeve palače - Palazzo Ducale di Mantova, rezidencije obitelji Gonzaga koja je vladala Mantovom. Svakako prošećite kroz vrtove, osobito ako dolazite u vrijeme sieste, ljeti kad je najveća žega, jer pružaju hlad. U Mantovi se nalazi i palača gdje se izvodio Verdiev Rigoletto. 

Mantova, a small town, surrounded by three artificial lakes created in the 12th century, is located in the Lombardy region. As soon as you enter in city you will pass the impressive Palazzo Ducale di Mantova, residence of the Gonzaga family which ruled Mantova. Be sure to take a walk through the gardens, especially if you arrive during siesta, in the summer, when the temperature are 35°C, because they provide coolness. In Mantova, you can see the palace where the Rigoletto from Verdi performed.


Nakon Mantove, krenuli smo 30-ak kilometera južnije prema gradu pršuta i sira, naravno Parmi. Ulazeći u grad od strane rijeke Parme prvo ćete se susreti s Piazza della Pilota, koja će vam se činiti nedovršenom, što i jest. U prošlosti je služila za povezivanje s Kneževim dvorom, a danas se u njoj nalaze muzeji i galerije. Ako ste u Parmi morate pogledati i Duomo katedralu uz koju se nalazi i krstionica, tj Battistero toranj. Nakon toga preporučam vam da otiđite do Piazza Garibaldi i pogledate jedinstveni sunčani sat koji se nalazi odmah iza kipa Giuseppea Garibaldia, a poslije se uputite u bilo kojem smjeru u potragu za prosciutto di Parma i Parmigiano Reggiano. Ako nemate puno vremena naručite bruskete s pršutom i parmezanom, vjerujte nećete požaliti. 
I OBAVEZNO, popijte kavu u Italiju, a ako želite kavu s mlijekom normalne veličine kao kod nas, naručite Capuccino ;).

After Mantova, we went about 30 kilometers to the south towards the city of prosciutto and parmigiano, of course Parma. If you entering in the city from the river Parma you will first see the Piazza della Pilot, which will seem incomplete, and it is. In the past it was used to connect to the prince's palace, and today there are lots of museums and galleries. If you're in Parma, you have to look Duomo - cathedral, along which is a baptismal font - Battistero tower. Then I recommend you to go to Piazza Garibaldi and look at the unique sundial located just behind the statue of Giuseppe Garibaldi. From Piazza Garibaldi you can go in any direction in search of prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano. If you do not have much time just order Bruschetta with prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano, believe me you will not regret.
And NECESSARILY, order coffee in Italy, and if you want a normal size latte, as in Croatia, just order Cappuccino;).

Do sljedećeg posta kada ću vam pisati o Cinque Terre i Genovi, ljubim vas...

Ttil next post when I will write you about Cinque Terre and Genova, kisses...

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